About this Section
The purpose of this section is to provide a list of assessments that can be used to determine the need for instruction or for assessing student progress in the PA Expanded Core Competencies for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (PA ECC-DHH) content areas. Assessments are listed only as a suggestion. Assessment of subskills may be completed informally or formally. You are encouraged to find additional assessments, including teacher made assessments and other ways to measure student progress. The lists below group possible assessments for each content area and include publishers and links to their websites, current as of August 2023.
Academic Language Development
ECV-DHH: Explicit Contextualized Vocabulary (2004) - Age range: All ages. Assessment and scoring procedures for use with any vocabulary list; great for progress monitoring.
Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS - 1993) - Age range: All ages. Editable form available: (google sheets, print in portrait mode); also great for progress monitoring.
Language Samples (ASHA) - Age range: All ages. Language samples can document the use of many forms of spoken or signed language in content areas. Collect written, spoken, or signed samples. A video recorder may be necessary.
How to Assess Vocabulary - Reference article; no specific tools, just strategies.
Audiology: Hearing & Listening Skills
Children's Home Inventory for Listening Difficulties (CHILD) (2000) - Age range: 3-12 years. Determines the need for an FM system.
Early Listening Function (ELF) (2000) - Age range: Very young children. Functional use of hearing in very young children.
The Functional Listening Evaluation (1993) - Age range: School age. Demonstrates to students and teachers/parents the need for FM devices.
Infant-Toddler Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (IT-MAIS) (1997) - Age range. Birth to 3. Structured interview with parents to assess benefit from amplification.
Knowledge is Power (KIP) (2008) - Age range: School age. Helps students learn about their hearing loss.
Listening Inventory for Education (LIFE) (1996) - Age range: 6+ years. Pre- and post-testing when considering changes in amplification.
Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale - Revised (MAIS) (1995) - Age range: 1a. Under 5, 1b. 5+ years. Auditory behavior information using unstructured probes.
Screening Instrument for Targeting Educational Risk (SIFTER) (2004) - Age range: 6+ years. Identifies need for educational assessment or program change.
Screening Instrument for Targeting Educational Risk - Seconary Age (Secondary SIFTER) (2004) - Age range: Middle & high school. Identifies need for educational assessment or program change.
SKI-HI Curriculum (2004) - Age range: Infants & young children. Family centred programming that includes hearing loss, hearing aids, and cochlear implants; available in Spanish.
Speech Perception, Instruction Curriculum and Evaluation (SPICE) & SPICE for Life 2 (CID) - Age range: Ages 2-12 (SPICE); advanced auditory skills - SPICE for Life 2.
Career & Work Readiness
Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment (2002) - Age range: 8-18. Measures youth independent living skills.
Ansir's 3 Sides of You: Self-Perception Profiling System (2001) - Age range: no target population. Self-administered online.
Brigance Transition Skills Inventory (2010) - Age range: Secondary special education, vocational education. Evaluates the basic skills and functional life skills in the context of real-world situations.
Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (2000) - Age range: 15 and older. Scales reflect an individual's attraction for specific occupational areas.
Career Exploration Inventory - 5th Edition (2015) - Age range: High school and adult. Interest levels in 15 clusters via 120 questions.
Hands and Voices - Age range: all ages. Resource documents.
The Career Key - Age range: Young people and adults. Identifies jobs and provides information about salaries, job outlook, and job training requirements. Free; online.
Transition Competence Battery for Deaf Adolescents and Young Adults (1993) - Age range: High school age deaf or hard of hearing adolescents. Measures the transition skills of non-college bound deaf adolescents.
Transition Planning Inventory Third Edition - Complete Kit (2020) - Age range: 14-21. Identifying and planning for the comprehensive transition needs.
COP System: Comprehensive Career Guide (2018) - Age range: Jr. high, high school, and adults. Coordinated measures of interests, abilities, and work values.
Life-Centered Career Education (LCCE) Competency Assessment Knowledge Batteries (1992) - Age range: 7th through 12th grades. Standardized criterion-referenced instrument.
PA Individual Student Transition Form (2008) - Age range: transition-age students. PA Department of Education.
PA Transition Assessment Finder (2020) - Age range: middle through high school. This database can be used to find a host of assessments that might be beneficial for an IEP team.
PA Transition Mapping Plan (2020) - middle through high school. Use this chart to develop and track a transition plan.
Communication: American Sign Language
ASL Assessment Toolkit: ASL Receptive Skills (ASL-RST) (2014) - Age range: 4-13. Measures emerging receptive knowledge of ASL, especially for children in the younger age ranges.
ASL Development Observation Record (CSD Fremont) - Age range: Preschool through K. This tool was developed to document the ASL language development of deaf childgren from the time they enter the program through kindergarten.
American Sign Language Proficiency Assessment (ASL-PA) - Age range: 6-12 years. Assesses expressive ASL skills. Items/target features are based on ASL acquisition studies. Language samples are elicited from varied discourse contexts. There are no sample norms presently available; contact Dr. Sam Supalla at the University of Arizona Department of Special Education for more information (email is linked here).
Carolina Picture Vocabulary Test (CPVT) (1985) - Age range: 4-11.6 years.
Checklist of Emerging ASL Skills (2002) - Age range: K-12. This checklist provides a series of indicators to judge whether a deaf child has components of ASL in their communication system. The checklist is completed by at least three different evaluators who are familiar with the child and who are proficient in ASL.
MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory for ASL (ASL-CDI) (2002) - Age range: 8-36 months.
Signed Reading Fluency for Deaf Children (ASL Rubric) (2007) - Age range: 4+ years.
Test of American Sign Language (TASL) (1994) - Age range: 8-15 years. Consists of two production measures (Classifier Production Test and Sign Narrative) and four comprehension measures (Story Comprehension, Classifier Comprehension Test, Time Marker Test, and Map Marker Test). Contact Dr. Philip Prinz at San Francisco State University Department of Special Education and Communicative Disorders (email is linked here).
Assessment Toolkit from Visual Language/Visual Learning (VL2) - page features a variety of free and paid assessments focused on ASL skills.
Visual Communication and Sign Language Checklist (2013) - Age range: Birth to 5 years. Can be used up to age 8 for diagnostic purposes.
The Student Language and Communication Profile Summary (2010) - Age range: skills in specific age ranges, up to age 7. Gather data on a student's proficiency level in the use of American Sign Language and/or English; includes age expectations for comparison.
Communication: Listening & Spoken Language
Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale, Third Ed. - Age Range: 1.5 - 18 years. Identifies misarticulations and total articulatory proficiency. The test materials also include ethnic diversity.
Auditory Speech and Language - A Manual for Professionals Working with Children Who Have Cochlear Implants or Amplification - Age Range: All ages.
Central Institute Picture Speech Intelligibility Evaluation (SPINE) - Age Range: 6+ years
Clix for Kids - Age Range: All ages.
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP) - Age Range: 5 - 24.11 years. A measure of phonological awareness, phonological memory, and naming.
Cottage Acquisition Scales for Listening, Language and Speech (CASSLS) - Age Range: Preschool+.
Early Speech Perception Test for Profoundly Hearing Impaired Children (ESP) - Age Range: 2+ years.
Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation, Second Edition - Age Range: 2 - 21 years. Measures articulation of speech sounds, identifies and describes the types of articulation errors produced by the child.
Identifying Early Phonological Needs in Children with Hearing Loss (Paden-Brown Phonological Kit) - Age Range: All ages.
Ling Phonological Level Speech Evaluation - Age Range: All ages.
Ling 6 Sound Test - Age Range: All ages.
MacArthur–Bates Communication Development Inventories, Second Edition (CDIs) - Age Range: 8 - 30 months.
Meaningful Use of Speech Scale (MUSS) - Age Range: 2+ years.
The Miami Cochlear Implant, Auditory and Tactile Skills Curriculum (CHATS)
Photo Articulation Test (PAT- 3) - Age Range: 3 - 8 years.
SKI*HI Language Development Scales - Age Range: Birth - 5 years. Spanish also available.
Speech and Voice Evaluation Form (also known as Intelligibility Rating Scale (NTID)) - Age Range: All ages.
Spontaneous Language Samples - Age Range: All ages. Can be gathered by multiple team members across contexts.
The Speech Perception Instructional Curriculum and Evaluation (SPICE) - Age Range: All ages. The kit includes a set of toys and picture cards, a training video, a skills rating form and an acoustic hoop.
Communication: Expressive & Receptive
Assessments for Children's Language Comprehension (ACLC) - Age Range: 3 - 7 years.
Boehm Test of Basic Concepts, Preschool - Third Edition - Age Range: 3 - 5 years 11 months
Boehm Test of Basic Concepts - 3rd Edition (Boehm-3) - Age Range: Grades K - 2.
Bracken Basic Concept Scale 3 Expressive (BBCS-E) - Age Range: 3 years - 6 years 11 months.
Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development II - Age Range: Birth - 7 years
Carolina Picture Vocabulary Test (CPVT) - Age Range: 4 - 11 years 6 months. Receptive sign vocabulary for DHH.
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-Preschool 3 (CELF-P) - Age Range: Preschool.
Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) - Age Range: 3 - 21 years
Comprehensive Receptive/Expressive Vocabulary (CREVT-3) - Age Range: 4 - 89 years 11 months
Cottage Acquisition Scales for Listening, Language & Speech (CASLLS) 2nd Edition - Age Range: All. Integrates listening, language, and speech objectives. Also available in Spanish.
Craig Lipreading Inventory - Age Range: 2 -15 years.
Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (EOWPVT) - Age Range: 2 - 18 years. Also available in Spanish.
Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language-Pre-Sentence Level (GAEL-P) - Identify & name objects, comprehend & produce short, simple sentences, evaluate attention & readiness for learning.
Informal Reading Inventories - can be collected by multiple team members across contexts.
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement Second Edition (KTEA) - Age Range: 4 years 6 months - 25 years (Comprehensive Form); 4 years 6 months - 90+ (Brief Form).
Language Processing Test LPT 3 - Age Range: 5 -12 years
MacArthur-Bates Communication Development Inventory Words and Gestures (CDI) - Age Range: 8 - 18 months. Also available in Spanish.
MacArthur-Bates Communication Development Inventory- Words & Sentences - Age Range: 16 - 30 months
Oral and Written Language Scales (OWL II) - Age Range: 5 - 21 years. Also available in Spanish.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-3) - Age Range: Elementary & Adolescent
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (ROWPVT) - Age Range: 2 - 18 years. Also available in Spanish.
Receptive-Expressive Emerging Language Scale (REEL-4) - Age Range: Birth - 3 years.
Rhode Island Test of Language Structure - Age Range: 5 - 16 years.
Rosetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale - Age Range: Infant - Toddler
SKI*HI Language Development Scales - Age Range: Birth - 5 years. Spanish also available.
Standardized Test for the Assessment of Reading (STAR) - Age Range: K - 12.
Structured Photographic Expressive Language III (SPELT-3) - Age Range: 4 - 9 years and 11 months.
Teacher Assessment of Spoken Language (TASL). Spanish available; spoken language from first words through the use of complex sentences.
Test of Adolescent and Adult Language (TOAL-4) - Age Range: 12 - 20 years.
Test of Early Language Development (TELD) 4th Ed. - Age Range: 3 - 13 years.
Test of Early Reading Ability- Deaf or Hard of Hearing(TERA-D/HH) - 3rd Edition - Age Range: 3 - 13 years.
Test of Language Development (TOLD) - 5th Ed. - Age Range: 4 - 8 years.
Test of Language Development-Intermediate (TOLD 4) - Age Range: 8 - 18 years.
Test of Semantic Skills – Primary (TOSS-P)(Previously known as ASSET) - Age Range: 3 - 9 years 11 months.
The WORD Test - Adolescent - Age Range: 10 - 19 years.
The WORD Test - R Elementary - Age Range: 5 - 14 years.
Wiig-Criterion Referenced Inventory of Language (Wiig-CRIL) - Age Range: 4 -13 years.
Self-Determination & Advocacy
Express Yourself - Assessing Self-Determination in Your Life - Age Range: 14+ years. Free download.
Informal Inventory of Independence and Self-Advocacy Skills for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Students - Age Range: PreK - 12. Free download.
Knowledge is Power (KIP) - Age Range: 8 -18 years.
Minnesota Compensatory Skills Checklist - Age Range: K - 12th grade. Extensive self-advocacy checklist developed by a focus group of teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing in Minnesota.
Social-Emotional Competencies
BASEline Assessment of Student Growth - Age Range: 6 - 21 years. Self-assessment with pre and post results after SEL modules.
Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC-2) - Age Range: 2 - 21 years. Administered by psychologists.
Connors Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scale (Connors CBRS) - Age Range: 6 - 18 years. Can be administered by teacher or other educational professionals.
Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment (EQ Self-Assessment) - Age Range: Elementary - High School. Self-administered; can be found under "Portfolios".
Minnesota Social Skills Checklist for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing - Age Range: PreK - 12th grade. Based on social skills profiles of hearing students at various developmental stages, these skills identified are skills that the student with a hearing loss should be developing regardless of their hearing loss.
Self-Concept Assessment & Strategies - Age Range: grades 6 - 12.
Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence - Youth Version (SEI-YV) - Age Range: 7 years and up. Normed, validated, online assessment of emotional intelligence and five key outcomes for life success (achievement, health, efficacy, relationships, satisfaction).
Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) - Age Range: 3 - 18 years. Administered by psychologists Social Skills: Communication, Cooperation, Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy, Engagement, Self-Control.
Sociograms to Map Classroom Relationships and a Sense of Belonging Among Students - Age Range: K - 12th grade. An informal, reporting method in which students identify their social relationships within the class. Useful to identify students’ friendship patterns.
Summary of Pragmatic Development + Theory of Mind - Age Range: K - 5th grade. This chart provides age ranges for theory of mind development and social interaction behaviors of the typically developing child. Children with hearing loss are often significantly delayed in pragmatic language and/or Theory of Mind and their development should be monitored closely.
Student Communication Repair Inventory & Practical Training - Age Range: grades K - 12. Assessment and training program.
General Skills for Educational Success
Please note that there isn't a separate ECC content rubric for general skills. However, these assessments may be considered appropriate as diagnostic measures for students who are deaf or hard of hearing:
Bracken Basic Concept Scale 3 - Expressive - Age Range: 3 - 6 years 11 months.
Bracken Basic Concept Scale 3 - Receptive - Age Range: 2 years 6 months - 7 years 11 months.
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC), 2nd edition - Age Range: 2.5 years - 12.5 years. Assesses intelligence and achievement.
Listening Inventory for Education - Revised (L.I.F.E.-R) - Age Range: school age.
Oral and Written Language Scales, 2nd ed. (OWLS-II) - Age Range: 5 - 21 years.
Preschool Language Assessment Instrument (PLAI) - Age Range: 3 - 8
Receptive-Expressive Emerging Language Scale (REEL-4) - Age Range: Birth - 3 years.
Screening Instrument for Targeting Educational Risk, Preschool (Preschool SIFTER) - Age Range: 3 - 6 years. Used to identify need for educational assessment or program change. Available in Spanish.
Screening Instrument for Targeting Educational Risk (SIFTER) - Age Range: 6+ years. Used to identify need for educational assessment or program change.
Screening Instrument for Targeting Educational Risk, Secondary (SIFTER) - Age Range: grades 6 -12. Rate a secondary student's conversational skills, problem solving, understanding emotions, compliments, flexibility. Used to identify need for educational assessment or program change.
Test of Early Written Language 2nd (TEWL-2) - Age Range: 3 - 10 years 11 months.
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence Third Edition (TONI 4) - Age Range: 6 - 89 years 11 months. Language-gree measure of cognitive ability.
Test of Problem Solving- Elementary (TOPS-E) - Age Range: 5 - 12 years.
Test of Problem Solving - Adolescents (TOPS-A) - Age Range: 10 - 19 years.
Test of Reading Comprehension-3 (TORC-3) - Age Range: 7 - 17 years 11 months.
Test of Written Language - 3 (TOWL-3) - Age Range: 7.5 years - 17 years 11 months.
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests, 3rd ed. (WRMT-III) - Age Range: 5 - 75+ years.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fifth Edition (WISC-V) - Age Range: 6 - 16 years 11 months. Assesses the intellectual ability of children.
Technology Skills
SETT Scaffold - Age Range: K - adulthood. Framework for team decision making about assistive technology.
Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment - Age Range: adolescent - adult. This program starts by defining the basic skills needed to use a computer and the internet in daily life, employment, and higher education. Then self-guided online modules assess the ability of the user to perform these tasks.
Functional assessments, e.g., task analyses, demonstrations - Age Range: K - adulthood. Professionals can use ECC subskills to create a sequence of steps/behaviors needed to show mastery of the subskill(s).