ALD.1. Intermediate Gr. 6-8
ALD.1.Int1 Recognizes spoken and printed high-frequency words for 6th through 8th grade
ALD.1.Int2 Uses high-frequency words in context
ALD.1.Int3 Demonstrates understanding of age-appropriate multiple meanings of high frequency words
ALD.1.Int4 Recognizes and uses Tier 2 vocabulary for grades 6-8 across subject areas
ALD.1.Int5 Demonstrates understanding & usage of new content-specific terms from grade-level curriculum maps
ALD.1.Int6 Identifies groups of English words that together have a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words
ALD.1.Int7 Utilizes age appropriate idioms in written and spoken language
ALD.1.Int8 Utilizes age appropriate figurative language in written and spoken language
ALD.1.Int9 Uses time order words appropriately in written and non-written expression
ALD.1.Int10 Uses transition words to indicate cause/ effect, location, comparisons, etc.
ALD.1.Int11 Expands use of prepositions and adverbs in written & non-written expression
ALD.1.Int12 Identifies root/base words in written text
ALD.1.Int13 Understands that prefixes & suffixes change the meanings of words
ALD.1.Int17 Demonstrates understanding of language needed for grade level science curriculum
ALD.1.Int18 Demonstrates understanding of grade level language for standardized tests