ALD.2. Advanced Gr. 9-12
ALD.2.Adv 1 - Consistently applies strategies to enhance working memory for complex tasks
ALD.2.Adv 2 - Creates & applies strategies to assist with correct spelling of English words
ALD.2.Adv 3 - Asks & answers questions to clarify or hypothesize
ALD.2.Adv 4 - Formulates a hypothesis statement that can be tested
ALD.2.Adv 5 - Articulates, in academic terms, thought processes used to test & evaluate one's hypothesis
ALD.2.Adv 6 - Applies metacognitive skills to increase self-awareness and to improve learning
ALD.2.Adv 7 - Uses academic language to organize and record assignments
ALD.2.Adv 8 - Prioritizes the order for task completion based on given parameters of multiple tasks
ALD.2.Adv 9 - Creates action-oriented plans to reach one's individual goals
ALD.2.Adv 10 - Uses symbols & academic abbreviations to increase efficiency of notetaking
ALD.2.Adv 11 - Analyzes an author's writing with given prompts
ALD.2.Adv 12 - Creates essays of varying kinds, with required elements, as assigned
ALD.2.Adv 13 - Uses grade-level mathematical terms and phrases to describe concepts, processes, and purpose
ALD.2.Adv 15 - Produces & explains, visually or in writing, answers on tests and other assignments
ALD.2.Adv 16 - Uses grade-level mathematical terms and phrases to describe concepts, processes, and purpose
ALD.2.Adv 18 - Creates graphic organizers that support expected answers on tests & assignments