ALD.2. Early Gr. 3-5
ALD.2.E1 - Uses various strategies for remembering important content for short periods of time, i.e., working memory
ALD.2.E2 - Asks and answer questions to clarify or hypothesize
ALD.2.E4 - Identifies main ideas and key details
ALD.2.E5 - Demonstrates a consistent strategy for summarizing events and ideas
ALD.2.E6 - Provides "examples and non-examples" when categorizing
ALD.2.E8 - Matches cause and effect statements in expository text & in children's literature
ALD.2.E9 - Explains the "why" &"how" of a situation, motive, etc.
ALD.2.E10 - Identifies & raises questions about what might be missing, unexplained, or left unsaid
ALD.2.E11 - Determines what is known vs. unknown
ALD.2.E12 - Defines & classifies facts & opinions
ALD.2.E13 - Clarifies & elaborates ideas based on feedback
ALD.2.E14 - Refines statements and reasoning based on new information or evidence
ALD.2.E15 - Describes the parts and wholes of systems
ALD.2.E16 - Uses grade appropriate time-order words in context to show sequence, etc.
ALD.2.E18 - Uses a consistent strategy for making observations
ALD.2.E19 - Compares and contrasts information about specific entities
ALD.2.E20 - Demonstrates consistent strategy for justifying math answers
ALD.2.E21 - Follows & describes cycles and sequences of steps or procedure in math & science
ALD.2.E22 - Uses grade-level mathematical terms and phrases to describe concepts, processes, and purpose
ALD.2.E23 - Analyzes materials & steps needed to complete tasks
ALD.2.E24 - Explains and maintains organizational systems within the school setting