C&W.1. Early Gr. 3-5
C&W.1.E1 - Expresses full name, address, and phone number
C&W.1.E2 - Expresses parents' names, place of employment, email address (if available), and phone number
C&W.1.E3 - Follows 2-3 step directions
C&W.1.E4 - Completes a task directed by an adult (e.g. classwork)
C&W.1.E5 - Organizes/maintains materials needed to complete classroom tasks/jobs
C&W.1.E6 - Keeps designated area (e.g. loacker, desk organized)
C&W.1.E7 - Locates materials needed to complete a classroom task/job and returns them after use
C&W.1.E8 - Describes characteristics of a successful student/worker
C&W.1.E9 - Identifies and describes different occupations and corresponding workplace roles
C&W.1.E10 - Understands the relationship of school to work
C&W.1.E11 - Understands that children grow up & have occupations outside the home
C&W.1.E12 - Identifies occupations of characters in books, movies, television and in print media (e.g. newspapers, magazines)
C&W.1.E13 - Examines career stereotypes