C&W.4. Advanced Gr. 9-12
C&W.4.Adv1 - Describes and practices basic banking skills, e.g. depositing money, applying for savings and checking accounts, and loans
C&W.4.Adv2 - Explains bank statements, fees, and procedures
C&W.4.Adv3 - Understands what credit is and the rights and responsibilities of credit card users
C&W.4.Adv4 - Defines and describes relationships between cash, checks, debit cards, credit cards, and world currencies
C&W.4.Adv5 - Develops a monthly budget using typical income and expenditures and world currencies
C&W.4.Adv6 - Develops a budget for work that includes the following costs: transportation, insurance, uniforms, tools, etc.
C&W.4.Adv7 - Understands the taxes taken out of paychecks and their use
C&W.4.Adv8 - Understands basics of annual tax returns
C&W.4.Adv9 - Understands how taxes impact personal finances based on changes in jobs and/or in life
C&W.4.Adv10 - Understands key privacy issues as they relate to information sources, insurance, employment direct mail, credit reporting, telecommunications, electronic monitoring, and social security numbers
C&W.4.Adv11 - Understands the concept of charitable giving