SDA.2. Early
SDA.2.E1 - Demonstrates positive attitude toward self as a unique person with different hearing levels
SDA.2.E2 - Practices self-advocacy with adult support, i.e. introduces self to staff and identifies one's communication needs, knows school routines, etc.
SDA.2.E3 - Identifies the full names and roles of school staff who have knowledge related to hearing loss
SDA.2.E4 - Knows how to obtain emergency help (e.g. texting 911 for medical or fire emergency)
SDA.2.E5 - Demonstrates, with visuals, where one's hearing falls on the range of hearing abilities
SDA.2.E6 - Understands one's individual differences in comparison to others'
SDA.2.E7 - Asks for assisstance to access and troubleshoot communication, e.g. HAT, seating, interpreter, etc. accommodations, as needed
SDA.2.E8 - Maintains own hearing assistive devices, as appropriate, e.g. batteries, cleaning, putting away
SDA.2.E9 - Explains the differences and similarities in access and communication across the range of hearing abilities to others, who may have limited understanding on the subject
SDA.2.E10 - Identifies descriptors often assigned to individuals w/HL e.g. Deaf, DeafBlind, hard of hearing, unilateral loss, etc.
SDA.2.E11 - Knows that individuals with limited hearing are capable of major accomplishments
SDA.2.E12 - Demonstrates basic understanding of one's personal Communication Plan
SDA.2.E13 - Understands appropriate accommodations for school as indicated on one's IEP