SDA.3. Advanced
SDA.3.Adv1 - Identifies issues and problems in communities, ways to address them, and ways to participate in community service
SDA.3.Adv2 - Investigates local civic organizations and functions that may be of interest
SDA.3.Adv3 - Explains & documents a process for becoming involved and participating in local community or civic organizations (e.g. schoolboard, Sertoma Club, etc.)
SDA.3.Adv4 - Knows purposes of local and national resources for deaf and hard of hearing people, and how to access them
SDA.3.Adv5 - Demonstrates knowledge of civic responsibilities and roles, e.g. voting, jury duty, selective service
SDA.3.Adv6 - Demonstrates knowledge of city, state, and federal ordinances and laws that are aligned to desired post-secondary outcomes
SDA.3.Adv7 - Understands how to access appropriate community adult services (e.g. VR, SSa, interpreters, etc.) related to DHH needs
SDA.3.Adv8 - Understands how to access and/or advocate for community supports related to housing, government, transportation, DMV, health care, banking, access, etc.
SDA.3.Adv9 - Takes responsibility for personal needs, e.g. making appointments, filling and taking prescriptions, with supports
SDA.3.Adv10 - Understands how entitlements change after age 18 and/or after graduation, e.g. shifting from IDEA to ADA protections
SDA.3.Adv11 - Applies for federal benefits afforded to a person with a disability, e.g. SSI and/or SSDI