SEMO.1. Early
SEMO.1.E1 - Distinguishes range of emotions
SEMO.1.E2 - Uses age-appropriate language to talk about one's feelings
SEMO.1.E3 - Describes physical responses to emotions
SEMO.1.E4 - Recognizes and discusses how emotions are linked to behavior
SEMO.1.E6 - Identifies feelings associated with having different hearing abilities
SEMO.1.E7 - Identifies descriptors often assigned to individuals with hearing loss, e.g. Deaf, DeafBlind, hard of hearing, limited hearing, unilateral loss, etc.
SEMO.1.E8 - Demonstrates positive attitude toward self as a unique person with differing hearing abilities
SEMO.1.E9 - Practices positive self-talk
SEMO.1.E10 - Discusses unique aspects of growing up as a child who is deaf or hard of hearing (growing up in a deaf, hard of hearing, or hearing family/peer group)
SEMO.1.E11 - Identifies needs of deaf or hard of hearing child within a family, the school, and/or the community (e.g. communication, rules, respect, behavior, participation)
SEMO.1.E12 - Describes personal qualities/skills possessed and interests one wants to develop
SEMO.1.E13 - Explains how family members, peers, school personnel and community members can be used to support school success and responsible behavior