SEMO.4. Advanced
SEMO.4.Adv1 - Describes situations where the use of technology is appropriate and when it may not be appropriate
SEMO.4.Adv2 - Uses appropriate topics of conversation dependent on the social situation and conversational partner
SEMO.4.Adv3 - Indicates change of subject in conversation
SEMO.4.Adv4 - Uses repair strategies: repeat, rephrase, demonstrate, or change communication methods, slower pace, ask a question if the conversation breaks down
SEMO.4.Adv5 - Evaluates how norms and values have an effect on personal interactions
SEMO.4.Adv6 - Collaborates with peers, adults, and others in the community to move group efforts forward
SEMO.4.Adv7 - Offers and accepts constructive feedback
SEMO.4.Adv8 - Maintains an objective non-judgmental tone/position during disagreements
SEMO.4.Adv9 - Uses assertive communication to get needs met
SEMO.4.Adv10 - Empowers, encourages, and affirms self and others through interactions
SEMO.4.Adv11 - Understands the value of mentors (including mentors who are deaf and hard of hearing)
SEMO.4.Adv12 - Establishes and maintains healthy relationships